What does this program cover?
Your Gentle Natural Birth Early Pregnancy Program is designed to inform, support and nourish you through early pregnancy. You will get information to help make the decisions that are right for you, your body, your baby and your family.
Each week you will receive an email with a link to a 7-10 minute video on topics that are helpful right through pregnancy!
You can access these videos and resources at any time during your membership- you don’t have to wait for the email.
In addition, each video and topic has pages of resources, including articles and updated book chapters from Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, as well as other online links that Dr Buckley recommends.
Topics include:
- Your body’s superb design, from pregnancy to birth and baby!
- Eating well in pregnancy- getting the best foundation for you and your baby
- Making wise decisions in pregnancy, birth and parenting- the BRAIN model
- Choosing the maternity care-giver that is right for you
- Early testing for Down syndrome etc- what is the right choice for you?
- Pregnancy ultrasound- what you need to know for you and your baby
- Making plans for late pregnancy and postpartum- making it work for you and your family
- Becoming parents- beginning your journey with joy
Resources include:
- The latest information on pregnancy ultrasound safety and usefulness (2016, exclusive to GNB members)
- The latest information on the prenatal tests that you will be offered for Down syndrome etc (2016, exclusive to GNB members)
- The best nutrients and foods to help you get the best – and easiest—start for your baby
- Webinar on the Ecstatic Hormones of Labour and Birth- helping you understand your body’s superb design
- Webinar on Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome etc- essential information to make an informed choice
More information here.
What if I am past early pregnancy?
We think that everything in the GNB Early Pregnancy Program will help you to feel relaxed and confident in your body and your baby at any stage of pregnancy! You can take a look at the list above and see if you agree. Also remember that you can access all of the program as soon as you join up, so you can straight away get the information and support to help you right now.
How long do I have access for?
At Gentle Natural Birth, we want you to have the best possible start!
Your membership fee gives you open access to all of the material in the Early Pregnancy Program for ten weeks. After this, you will not be able to access the program. We are working on our follow-up Mid- and Late-Pregnancy Programs so that you can get the best start… right through pregnancy. Make sure you are a subscriber to our email list to find out when these programs are launched.
More information here.
Can I keep the videos?
You will be able to download and keep the audios and resources, some of which are in easy to access pdf files. You will be able to watch the videos while you are a paid member of Gentle Natural Birth. We do not currently offer life-time access to our programs, but we do have our Gentle Natural Birth Professional membership, which can be continued as long as you like for a monthly or annual fee. This includes all of the GNB Parents program as well. All about this program here.
This is so great! Can I share with my friends or on the internet?
Everything in your Gentle Natural Birth program is copyrighted and available only to current members and may not be circulated in any form. You are very welcome to talk about what you are learning and getting from the program, but you cannot forward, share, or copy any of our material with others. More information here.
Is the program related to the Australia/US/UK/other health care systems?
This is an international program, and not related to one specific maternity care system. We give information about topics such as ultrasound and prenatal testing that will be relevant to women in most Westernized systems of maternity care. At present, this information is only in English. Please let us know if you have any feedback about relevance to other places and systems. Thank you!
Will I still need a childbirth education program?
This program will complement your maternity care and your childbirth education program. Dr Buckley recommends that, where possible, you attend a face-to-face childbirth education program, which will allow you to have your questions answered, and also to meet other parents for mutual support. Your children may even end up being best friends!
Is this program suitable for professionals?
We recommend that professionals, or parents who want more in-depth information, join the GNB Professionals program. This program includes all of the Parents’ Programs materials as well as in-depth webinars and resources on many more topics. More information about the content here.
I have some questions about the information.
If you are wanting more information than is available on the parent’s programs, we recommend that you register for the GNB Professionals Program, which has more in-depth information,
Within the Professionals Program, you can access a Professionals-only Facebook forum with Dr Buckley and your birth professional colleagues.
We also welcome any suggestions for improving our programs. Please email us.
I have some questions about my own pregnancy
Dr Buckley is not able to answer individual questions about your pregnancy or your health and wellbeing. You will get the best care from an individual consultation with a skilled maternity care provider. More information about what we can and cannot offer here.
Does Dr Buckley offer consultations?
Currently, Dr Buckley is a full-time writer, mother and PhD student. She does not offer face-to-face or online/remote consultations as a family physician (GP).
What if I have suggestions for resources and other feedback?
We love to get feedback and suggestions. Please email us
Please note, we do not accept advertising or material that is mainly self-promotional. Thank you.
Can I stop my subscription at any time?
As a GNB Early Pregnancy program member, you have paid a one-off fee for access to the program for 10 weeks. Your payment is not recurring.
If you are a monthly professional member, your recurring payment goes through Paypal every month. You can stop your subscription with Paypal at any time, and your membership will cease at the end of that payment period. You can also email us and we can arrange this.
What if I don’t like the program?
Your satisfaction is important to us. Please email us with any feedback or concerns.
Where do I get help with the program?
It is very important to us that you get the help you need.
Email us and we will generally respond within 24 hours. We are developing systems to respond more quickly. Thanks for your patience.