Dr. Buckley gives you the support you need as a Birth Professional

Thank you for your important work with childbearing families!

Pregnancy and birth are crucial determinants of life-long health, happiness, and wholeness.
The care that you give will influence all of those outcomes and you want to make sure that you do the best for mothers. babies, fathers, and families that you can.
You want to give women and families the best possible information and the best possible start.

Are You Looking for Authoritative, Up-To-Date Information?

The Gentle Natural Birth for Professionals Program is currently closed
For more information, and to keep up to date on The Gentle Natural Birth for Professionals Program please join my newsletter.

The good news is… we have you covered at Gentle Natural Birth for Professionals!

We have done all the research and compiled fabulous resources on the topics you need to know, and you can access this amazing teaching at any time that suits you!
You will get access to dozens of on-demand webinars on the topics you need to know such as cord clamping and cord blood banking, induction, group B strep and much more.
As a GNB Professional member, you will also get access to resource sheets, videos PLUS our upcoming podcasts on fathering, yoga, exercise in pregnancy, the best start with breastfeeding, and much more. (All will be recorded and available on-demand a few days later). (And we are working on getting accreditation, so we can have your CEUs/CMEs covered too! Watch this space.)

How can I provide all of this? Firstly,…

I am trained as a family physician (GP)
I have completed my training to practice GP-obstetrics, caring for healthy mothers and babies
I have also attended births at home, and I am also a mother of four!
My first baby was born in 1990 and my last in 2000, all such wonderful experiences at home that I subsequently changed career, writing two editions of my book “Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering“ in 2005 and 2009.

Sarah Buckley creatively integrates mind/body wisdom with the latest scientific research to provide women with the essential tools they need to make conscious choices throughout their pregnancy and birth.
Deepak Chopra
Author of Peace is the way Carlsbad, California, US

- Mothering magazine (US)
- Natural Parenting, (Australia)
- MIDIRS Midwifery Digest (UK)
- Midwifery Today (US)

- Pathways to Family Wellness (US)
- The Mother (UK)
- Juno (UK)
- and many other magazines

I have a special interest in the hormones of labour and birth and my detailed scientific report Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing was published by Childbirth Connection (US) in January 2015.[/text_block]

I want every mother, baby, father and family to have the best possible start.

- What is a healthy diet for pregnancy?
- Who is the best carer in pregnancy, labour and birth?
- What is the best place to give birth?
- What about screening and treatment for group B strep?
- Is ultrasound safe, and what about keepsake ultrasounds?
- What are the benefits and risks of labor drugs and interventions?
- How to get the best start with breastfeeding

In addition, I’ve experienced the challenges and joys of gentle, natural birth and mothering myself, and I know from my own experience just how challenging birth and mothering can be- and also how rewarding. I also know that a great start at birth can give a head-start in mothering too!
I also know that sometimes interventions are needed for the wellbeing of mothers and babies, and that we can help mothers, partners and families to be involved and empowered in any situation.
I am passionate about informed choices for mothers, babies, fathers and families.With education and awareness, we can also enhance hormonal physiology for all mothers and babies, promoting safety and pleasure, even when interventions are needed.[/text_block]

Weekly Videos – For Professionals
As GNB professional members, you will also get instant access to all of my Gentle Natural Birth resources for parents, including weekly videos emailed directly to you suitable for different stages of pregnancy. This will give you great information to share with women and families!
Informative Webinars
PLUS… you will also get access to my webinars on topics that matter to you, such as ultrasound, prenatal testing for Down syndrome, cord blood banking, screening for group B strep and many more topics. All of our webinars are recorded so you can watch when it suits you. Right now we are upgrading our webinars and will be adding new material.
Audios & Podcasts
As well as all of this, we will be launching audios and podcasts in 2016 with an exciting line-up of speakers on topics such as fatherhood, yoga, nutrition, newborn consciousness and much more. Even better, you can listen to all of these at your leisure!

The resources at Gentle Natural Birth for Professionals will give you not only information that will be invaluable for decision-making but you will also gain reassurance about the power and pleasure of the natural processes of labor and birth, with all of the scientific evidence to back this up.
Dr. Sarah J. Buckley